Dear A&E, congratulations, you just committed suicide

The Matt Walsh Blog


Dear A&E,

I read that you are indefinitely suspending Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty after he quoted the Bible and said that the homosexual act is sinful. I get it, guys. I do. You punished the Christian guy for being a Christian because you got some angry emails from a bunch of whiny gay activists who lack the spine and maturity to deal with the fact that there are still people out there who have the guts to articulate opinions that they find disagreeable. In so doing, you’ve kowtowed to a pushy minority of vocal bullies who don’t even watch your channel, while alienating the fan base of the one show that keeps your entire network afloat.

Makes sense.

You’ve got standards, after all. You wouldn’t want to be associated with tasteless and inappropriate things. The people on Duck Dynasty can’t be allowed to run around being all Christian-like. It…

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Christmas Miracles

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. God knows our needs and the needs of others and aligns everything to work for His glory. I have story after story that I could share with you, but I will save you hours of reading and narrow it down to just a few!

A couple of weeks ago, I met my father for lunch. He gave me a gift that brought tears to my eyes. He handed me this hat… Image

Now I have not received a gift from my dad for no reason for as long as I can remember. And although I would probably never wear this, what he said when he gave it to me is what pierced my heart. He told me that when he saw it, it reminded him of me. It was at that moment that everything came full circle. He told me he has been going to his church every time the doors are open and that he feels so much better when he is there. Then three days ago, my mom and I were talking on the phone and she mentioned that she saw a mailer from the church I attend and she wanted to go to the Christmas service with my family. I have been attending church since I was 15 and my mom and dad have each only been to one service during that entire span of 21 years. My dad came to watch me sing in the choir one Christmas and my mom came when my middle child was baptized.

I spent years trying to get my parents to discover what I had found all those years ago. Little did I know, they may not have been attending any service but they were watching me. This Christmas He allowed me to see the seeds that had been planted begin to sprout to life. He never ceases to amaze me and I can’t wait to see what comes of this Christmas miracle.

So if you have been praying for someone in your life to find Jesus, keep sending up those prayers because he is listening. You may not see the fruit just yet, but one day the big man upstairs may just surprise you and reveal the work He has been doing all along.

Merry Christmas!!!

Does Santa Belong in our Christmas Celebrations?

I shared one man’s take on Santa. Here is another that may help you decide what is best for your family in regards to how you approach it. Both bloggers make good points, which honestly makes me feel good about my choice in one regard and bad on the other. Looks like I will be taking this one to my Heavenly Father in prayer for clarity!

The Judgmental Christian


Many of us grew up believing Santa Claus magically whisked down our chimneys and left us gifts below the twinkling lights of our Christmas trees. Some of us have even carried on that tradition with our own children. There are also plenty of families who have opted out of the Santa Claus myth altogether refusing to lie to their children. Some families also remove Santa Claus from their families traditions because they fear this mystical character takes the focus away from the celebratory birth of our Savior, which is a valid concern.

So who is Santa Claus? The legend of Santa Claus begins with Saint Nicholas, a man who dedicated his life to serving God and giving generously to the poor. Saint Nicholas was born in a village in Patara, which is the village now known as Demre, Turkey. His wealthy parents died when he was a young child…

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Jesus wants you to judge

I’d rather have you hurt my feelings as you help me get to Heaven, then protect my feelings as you usher me right along to Hell. Amen!!!

The Matt Walsh Blog

I’ve always been a pretty big fan of the Ten Commandments. My favorites is the one that says “Thou shalt not judge.”

Oh, that one isn’t in there, you say?

Sorry, it’s easy to forget nowadays, especially in this country where many Christians carry on as though the entire Bible could be summed up by the phrase, “it’s all good, bro.”

In actual fact, there are a lot of urgent truths and important moral lessons in the Bible. Interestingly, almost all of them have fallen out of favor in modern American society. Here are just a few verses that aren’t particularly trendy or popular nowadays:

(WARNING: Politically incorrect truths ahead)

“Whoever harms one of these little ones that believes in me, it would be better for him if a millstone where tied around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the ocean.”

“Before I formed you in…

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Who needs Santa when you’ve got Jesus?

Yesterday I was sent a message on Facebook because I liked a friend’s comment announcing she was expecting. Not long after, I received a message stating that it was a game and it was my turn to pick from the list of “lies” to post on my page for fun. I didn’t find it fun or funny to play such a game, so I refused to participate and posted about my opinion on the subject.

Then this morning I find this blog post in my inbox. I think God was trying to tell me something because although I saw one game as ridiculous, this Santa game is one that I have been participating in for years. So I used this as an opportunity to ask those who liked and responded to my thoughts, what their take is on the Santa lie that we continue to tell our children and pass on from generation to generation. I received several opinions on the subject and they range from it being an innocent way to foster imagination to a lie is a lie. I think the most important thing is to know what we are teaching our kids and why we are doing so. I personally don’t want to follow the crowd just because everyone says it is harmless. I want to be proactive. And most of all, I want my children to know that Christ is and always will be the reason for the season, no matter what others tell them.

The Matt Walsh Blog


Santa Claus.

He is a legend, a myth, a fable.

I hope this isn’t breaking news.

Now, when a myth is passed off as fact, it becomes something else: a lie. In many households, Santa is a lie. He’s fun, he’s jolly, he owns gravity-defying reindeer and enslaves thousands of tiny elves in his icy dungeon; he’s overweight (probably because he eats billions of cookies every Christmas), and he isn’t familiar with laws against trespassing and home invasion. He’s also a lie.

He isn’t just a “story.” Stories — fictional stories — have an ending. They are contained in books and television shows and movies. We do not weave an elaborate web of deceit to convince our children that Snow White really exists, or that Mickey is an accurate portrayal of how mice really behave. If they ask us about the geographical location of Neverland, we’ll tell them Neverland is…

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Be Jesus With Skin On

How did Jesus respond when people sinned against God when he was living on this earth? He spoke to them in love. He met them where they were and took them in when everyone else treated them like outcasts. He gave them living water, Himself, and forgave them for sinning against Him. Then He told them to go and stop sinning. That is the only way to Christ. First the Holy Spirit makes us aware of the sin. Then there is a brokenness that takes place, leading us to ask for forgiveness, to repent. And then Jesus uses His word to teach us His ways and we do what He says, sharing with others what He has done for us so that they can see examples of what it looks like to find a new hope in Christ.

Trying to condemn those around us that don’t know Him will never work. They will only see us as hypocrites, especially if they know us before we accepted Christ into our hearts.

Today I pray that each of us that call ourselves Christians learn to love like Jesus so that we can make a greater impact in bringing those who are hurting to the only one who can truly heal!